Yesterday was the big day of this debut festival, and everything went very smooth! It was mainly arranged by the students of the school and the main organizers did a very cool job!! I helped as well and Barricades did one of the late evening concerts, and a great concert it was! A bunch of Barricades-friends traveled long distances to come hang out with us. Thank you guys!!
And Karin from the band Munich did guest vocals on 3 songs at this concert! It was BEAUTIFUL! She's the one who does the female vocals on our album Blood Combines.
jeg er så ærgelig over at jeg ikke kunne være der:(..., men det lød også på martin, som om at det havde været en super feee koncert!
jeg håber på at komme til koncerten i løgumkloster, og selvfølgelig også "the last stand"..
vi ses, forhåbentlig snart!!!
råck on dude..
Det kunne have været fedt SOM ALTID hvis du havde været med, men glæder mig bare over du er fresh på at prøve at nå næste!! :) Ellers ses vi til The Last Stand YEAH
Fedt at høre du var til Blindside.
Lars har fortalt en masse om det....drooool.
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