It has been a year since my last tattoo and it has been itching for more ink :O)
The night before I left for Denmark I got this one. Of course I only want tattoos that means a lot to me, and at the same time I like using my body as a blog about great things happening in my life.
Old school with a lot of colors and symbolic.
- A life-breathing heart with
- A candle light in the main vain, aorta, life meeting life, (don't fight the dark => shine your light!)
- A crown of thorns rapped around the heart (because of Christ, I live)
- Skulls with the everlasting sign of the cross marked in their forehead (when we die as Christians, God will look at us - see Christ - and embrace us as His children, that we are! Christ died so that we can have life! Everlasting! Dead is the death for those who proclaim His name!)
- The Green Light District Festival banner (this festival exists because of Gods grace, the love of Christ, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and all the exited metal-kids in Denmark who stand together as family! => Church)
- Two big roses in bloom (life, life, life) and
- Cartoonish "KA-POW!" at the bottom (chew on that one, mister :O)
Jeg bliver bare lige nødt til at kommentere din nye tus igen! WOW! - Super fedt lige at høre dine tanker bag den:-) Jeg glæder mig helt vildt til at se den i virkeligheden, og så har den ikke gjort min lyst til at få lavet den næste mindre:-P Min far o jeg tager nok ned og besøger Gert om ikke så frygtelig længe...hihi:-P
Uh, I like it a lot! Very, very cool!
Good to hear you're doing well, how long are you in DK for?
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