I got a phone call last Friday from the national television TV3. They do this "1 against 100" quiz where the Danish (world famous) soccer goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel is the host.

The quiz concept is one person against a panel of 100 people. A question is asked (by Schmeichel) and the panel has to answer with in 6 seconds. Then the one person will answer, and if his answer is correct he'll get an amount of money per person from the panel who had the answer wrong. If the one persons answer is incorect he'll loose all his money and what's left of the panel will share what he had got.
We (Barricades) where headhunted to make this quiz show a bit more interesting :0)
They wanted to have a couple of politicians, a couple of clowns and a couple of METALHEADS in the panel together with "normal people" :)
Don't know how they found out that they wanted to use us, but it was a fun day with the guys and I got to talk with a bunch of interesting new people (incl. clowns and politicians).
Brian and Lars from the band even won some pocket money ;)
I'm actually not very much of a fan of these quiz programs and I havn't got a television either, but you always get to talk with folks in a very cool way when you're all stucked together for a reason like this. I felt that everybody was equal no matter of knowledge, politician stands or strange look. That was maybe the only thing I loved by perticipating in the program - but it was worth it!