Thursday, May 31, 2007

Final school paper done!

Thumbs up, very nice good work and now be joy full... :0)

Phwew... That was lots of work. But it feels good to have it done! My classmates at Diakonhoejskolen and I delivered our bachelor project today. That means that I haven't slept at all last night => just writing. Worked all day yesterday, 15 hours the day before yesterday and 17 hours the day before. ....Aaaand I'm spent :O)

The paper was about double diagnosis - mentally ill addicts. An interesting and important challenge to help these people in their very difficult life situations. (The picture about is just some happy thumbs up giving people who's celebrating with me).

Been working on this paper "full time" the last 6 weeks so now I've got a bit more time for other projects. 24 days left of my 4 years education. Wow, how quickly time flies away!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blood Combines

I just realized that I havn't posted a picture of the Barricades album!

Here's the reviews from Nordic Mission:
1) From their newsletter:
BARRICADES: Blood Combines
Denmark’s leading Christian metal band is back with their debut fullength! This is an absolute must have for fans of brutal metal and metalcore like Norma Jean, Extol or As I Lay Dying!
2) From their website:

BARRICADES: Blood Combines (CD)

Denmark's leading Christian metal band is back with their debut fullength album! Selfreleased, this still both looks and sounds as professional as anything else! A must-have for any fan of aggressive music in the veins of Zao, Norma Jean, As I Lay Dying and bands like that. These guys are not afraid to tell the truth and who they believe in. What's to loose anyway!

12 tracks
16 pages booklet
More than 50 minutes
+ 4 hidden live videos

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Todays concert

Today we did our 4th last gig with Barricades at a big Church camp named "Kirkedage". We have been playing at a lot of funny places during the years and this is one more to count though it actually was a good experience.

This picture is from another Barricades concert in Vejle, DK. Not many folks attended the todays concert, but 8 of the most energized Barricades-friends came and made a huge party!!

They even made a couple of circle pits, which the Barricades-friends are very well known for YEAH!! A couple of the guys on this picture were also dancing with us today :0)

Thank You Guys

Friday, May 18, 2007

70's car chase movies!

Yesterday I went downtown to watch a couple of Peter Fonda movies in an old, dusty underground cinema called "Slagterhal 3" (Slaughter Hall 3).

Lars from Barricades and I went and had our selves a great laugh!! Those movies are just the best. We watched "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" from 1974 and "Race with the Devil" from 1975.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Can't wait...

I will work and travel together with Pastor Bob Beeman from August and I must say: I CANT WAIT!

After traveling in Europe I will fly with Pastor Bob to the States and have my new base in Nashville, Tennessee. I have now known this for quiet some time and it actually feels very strange not to be there!! I'd really like to start my new work NOW!
...Guess God has something for me to do and experience here before I'm ready to leave.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Double Diagnosis

I've only got 6 weeks left of my deacon/social worker/teacher education. That means that I'm in the middle of my final school paper => a 40 pages paper about mentally ill addicts and how Denmark can be better to reach and help these people.

It's a big problem for these people to get the help they need, and it's a big challenge for the society to know how to deal with them.

Last week I attended a two days Double Diagnosis Conference at a very nice Hotel with the leading professors, doctors and social workers in that field. The charge of the two days conference were 5.000kr (910 US dollar) per person... wow dude!! So I grabed the my phone and told them about this school paper of mine...and I got it for free!

A good conference where I learned a lot and got a lot of facts for my paper. And all the noble people got pretty curious about me => I think they are only used to see people with dreads and tattoos as their clients, so I got a lot of chats in the coffee breaks :O)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The end of the Barricades-era is near

Here is a press release that I wrote for our website:

Hey guys, fellowmen and heavy rockers!

Barricades will hereby announce you
that from the 1st of August 2007 Barricades will be no more.

Untill then we will ”Windmill kick you in the face” :0) all over Denmark. We’ve got a bunch of concerts which we, as always, are looking brutally much forward to experience together with you moshers: The best crowd in the world YEAH!!

You may ask why in the world the band of Barricades will end this Summer just after releasing debut album and having a lot of positive coverage and publicity..?

Andreas will move to Nashville, Tennessee, USA to work with the rock n’ metal Pastor Bob Beeman. Check out:

Morten will now focus more on his solo singer/songwriter project Silent Highway. Check out:

Brian has become the drummer of Threat Chest. A great metalband who had their brutal debutconcert at the Green Light District festival. Look out for this band!

Lars will after the Barricades-era be freelance metalhead and only God knows where.

The time in Barricades has been awesome, and it has been a great period in our lives. We now feel that it’s the right time to stop the band and put our energy in other projects and stuff. It was amazing to experience a bunch a great Danish metalbands at the Green Light District festival this year. Now we know that the future of Denmark is in good hands :0) Look out for Magtesløs, Amplified and Servants Of The Immortal.

Hope to see you all at our last concerts, where it will also be available to get our new shirts as long as they are in stock. Johnny Haven from The Burning has once again done a very cool job designing our shirts! Check out:
