Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Can't wait...

I will work and travel together with Pastor Bob Beeman from August and I must say: I CANT WAIT!

After traveling in Europe I will fly with Pastor Bob to the States and have my new base in Nashville, Tennessee. I have now known this for quiet some time and it actually feels very strange not to be there!! I'd really like to start my new work NOW!
...Guess God has something for me to do and experience here before I'm ready to leave.


Signe said...

Well, patience is a fruit of the Spirit:-)

And yea, I guess God has a few amazing things to show you back here in DK before you leave for the States. I sure know the feeling though, but hey - guess who's leaving in less than 3 weeks?!

AndreasLarsen said...

Yeah, those fruits are good..!

And yeah lucky you! Less than 3 weeks :0)

But you deserve it. Absolutely!

Signe said...

Thanks:-) And so do you! I'm sure August will come quickly...

Hope to see you over there, now THAT would be fun!

AndreasLarsen said...

Definitely yes, you just drop by! :0)

You're welcome, Signe (though I'm not sure how my home is gonna be like:)

Signe said...

Thanks! And don't worry, I'm not picky when it comes to places to stay:-)

AndreasLarsen said...

I believe you :o)

Franz-Irene said...

This is all very exciting Andreas! I really wish the best for you over there and of course everywhere else too...

God Bless you and your new adventure!