Thursday, May 31, 2007

Final school paper done!

Thumbs up, very nice good work and now be joy full... :0)

Phwew... That was lots of work. But it feels good to have it done! My classmates at Diakonhoejskolen and I delivered our bachelor project today. That means that I haven't slept at all last night => just writing. Worked all day yesterday, 15 hours the day before yesterday and 17 hours the day before. ....Aaaand I'm spent :O)

The paper was about double diagnosis - mentally ill addicts. An interesting and important challenge to help these people in their very difficult life situations. (The picture about is just some happy thumbs up giving people who's celebrating with me).

Been working on this paper "full time" the last 6 weeks so now I've got a bit more time for other projects. 24 days left of my 4 years education. Wow, how quickly time flies away!


Signe said...

So that's why you've been so silent on the blog for a little while... Well, congrats on being done! Good job:-)

Once you're done with school (on what - the 24th?), are you then moving to your parents' place for the summer or what are your plans?

Franz-Irene said...

Yeah congratulations Andreas! Must be nice to be finished.
I wish you the best:-)

AndreasLarsen said...

Hey thanks, Friends!

The paper is done, but I have one exam left (about the paper) the 11th..

And yeah => last day is the 24th. You've got a good memory, Signe! Then I'll move to my parents place, relax a bit, say hi and goodbye to friends (chill out) and go for a vacation to Norway with the whole little family + get ready to leave. I'll travel with Pastor Bob in Sweden and England most of August and then head towards the States.

Signe said...

Yea, my memory isn't too bad:-)

Well that sounds like a fun summer! Let me know when you know when you'll hit the States and I'll see if I can somehow make my way to Nashville.

AndreasLarsen said...

Cool :)

I'll arrive late August, so from September.

Signe said...

Sweet deal, I'm done around here sometime in mid-August so anytime after that will work. I'll get back to you about it sometime when we get a bit closer to:-)