Wednesday, April 15, 2009


...Continued from the "On the Norway-Denmark ferry" post below...
I wouldn't recommend this guy to continue letting himself being hurt in such major ways, because I wanted the best for him. Sometimes we have to protect ourselves to survive, but Jesus chose to walk the whole way and lay down his life 
for the humans, whom He loved dearly, though we're treating Him violently! 

Christ lived a life in pain and suffering knowing what we were created to be. All along He knew that we were created for much more, living a life of pure love in a peaceful world in an uplifting  relationship with our Heavenly Father; and I believe that that was what kept Him going! I also believe that it hurts like hell to see us humans choosing d
estructive ways of living and causing each other pain and death.

In Denmark the Friday where Christ gets crucified is called LONG FRIDAY, but to me the English name has a deeper meaning with the title GOOD FRIDAY! Looking back and seeing the bigger picture of why Christ went through so much physical and even more mentally pain. 
He did it for the love of God! Nothing is more GOOD than the LOVE of GOD!!
May the GRACE, PEACE and LOVE of our LORD be with you!

On the Norway-Denmark ferry

I travelled to Oslo by boat from Frederikshavn and back again, which can be pretty boring, when you're traveling alone..! On my way home I spend more than 12 hours on the ferry.
But fortunately I met a Norwegian hippie on my own age sitting by himself on the deck smoking hand rolled cigarettes :0) We sat on a table talking on the deck for a couple of hours until both of us were completely frozen. We had a lot in common though we were very different in some fundamental ways like God, relationships and sex.

This lonely dude had been homeless in periods and had been living in Asia for a while searching for love. At a time he went to jail in Thailand without knowing anything for a month. All he wanted was to lay down his life in anyway he could to be able to be with the woman he loved, though this woman treaded him violently both mentally and physically. 

I haven't been through as much crap as he has, but I know how it is to be driven by love, which MANY times feels like a sickness! ...But you're convinced that it's worth everything!

Love is a powerful thing that keeps us going!!

...To be continued in the "EASTER" post above...

Norway, SubChurch

A week ago I got back from spending a few days in Oslo, hanging out with Norwegian friends. I was asked to speak at SubChurch on the Sunday service, which was a big honour to me. This Church (the people) has inspired and encouraged me a lot in my ministry and life.
It's great to hang out with Brothers and Sisters from other countries and I sure enjoyed getting to know some of the people even more. 

On Sunday I spoke about "A life in relationship with God and Family" where I focused on "Simplicity - Purity - Accountability". I think a lot of speakers talk about what they need to hear them selfs :-) at least I do, when I'm asked to share my heart.