Sunday, July 27, 2008

Adam Mattias Larsen!!!

One of my new very best friends just got born on the 14th of July!
He's the coolest little none year old dude I know!!!

Here's my parents with Adam on his birthday. They are also very cool!
I just made it back to Denmark to catch the birthday, which means a lot to me! 
Nephews are a blast! 

Here's 2,5 year old Jonas showing his little brother one of his favorite cars: The Mustang. He is half American, you know B-) 
...I did it again!!! Uncle times two!

SeeYouLater my McCavanaghs

It felt weird to leave the States already after only being here 3 weeks this time. But 3 GREAT great weeks! Loved it all, and one of the best things was to hang out with my McCavanagh family again. These friends has been hosting me every time I've been living in Nashville.
Sad to say "SeeYouLater". I love you guys!
(And BTW sorry for posting this old picture of you :O) 

GLDFestival tattoo

It has been a year since my last tattoo and it has been itching for more ink :O)
The night before I left for Denmark I got this one. Of course I only want tattoos that means a lot to me, and at the same time I like using my body as a blog about great things happening in my life. 
Work in progress. A re-design of the Green Light District logo that my friend Magnus made for the GLDF'08 T-shirt.  
Old school with a lot of colors and symbolic. 
- A life-breathing heart with
- A candle light in the main vain, aorta, life meeting life, (don't fight the dark => shine your light!)
- A crown of thorns rapped around the heart (because of Christ, I live)
- Skulls with the everlasting sign of the cross marked in their forehead (when we die as Christians, God will look at us - see Christ - and embrace us as His children, that we are! Christ died so that we can have life! Everlasting! Dead is the death for those who proclaim His name!)
- The Green Light District Festival banner (this festival exists because of Gods grace, the love of Christ, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and all the exited metal-kids in Denmark who stand together as family! => Church)
- Two big roses in bloom (life, life, life) and
- Cartoonish "KA-POW!" at the bottom (chew on that one, mister :O)

Cornerstone Festival concerts

The Cornerstone concerts are running from Monday to Sunday morning, where about 300 bands are playing. Here's my friends from Scotland playing in the punk band Rodent Emporium. I met them in England/Wales half a year ago.
There's probably more than 50 stages at Cornerstone, and it's crazy with all that noise all day none stop. ...And I love it!  
Above: Flatfoot 56 playing at the Underground stage. 

Below: A couple of my friends from Nashville playing in the band Mankind at one of the MANY MANY "Generator Stages". A small piece of grass area and a generator. Then the bands just bring there own gear. The Sanctuary Stage was one of the bigger ones and in a crowded location. 
One of the very cool things about Cornerstone is that there isn't a whole lot of back stage areas. Practically none, so the bands are forced to walk around, and that way I got to talk to all the folks I wanted to. 
Just to name a few of my favorite concerts during the week:
Living Sacrifice, Frost Like Ashes (picture above), Flatfoot 56, Neocrecy, Impending Doom, Becoming The Archetype (again), The Chariot (again again), The Famine, Drottnar (as always), Sotahuuto (Finish friends), Bestir (my good friends), Alethian, Common Yet Forbidden, A Plea For Purging, The Burial, Showbread (again), A Hill To Die Upon, Voice Of The Mysterons, Sexual Confused, Demon Hunter and As I Lay Dying.

Cornerstone Festival fellowship

I've been longing to go to Cornerstone Illinois since the first time I heard about it, yeeeears ago. Awesome being here and meeting a lot of cool people, getting new friends and meeting many, whom I've met in Europe at several Christian metal festivals. 
Above: Phil and I. Brothers in metal-arms: True love!
The cool thing about Christian metal festivals is that people are so passionate about both the music AND the fellowship, that WE travel world wide to meet each other => the Family. 
Above: Larry and Karen Schertz has had a Sanctuary camp at Cornerstone for 16 years now! Wow dude! And a sanctuary it truly is! A restful place, loving people and amazing food :-P
A few of all the great folks I hung out with. On the picture there's friends from Finland, England, Denmark and the US.

The picture above is taken inside the Sanctuary Stage Tent, and man it looked awesome! The ceiling was covered with thick BLACK plastic and fake burning torches hanging down several places. SO MANY people did amazing job working at the Sanctuary all week.
Jeremy made this cool info stand to put outside of the Sanctuary Stage. Pastor Bobs Pod Casts, different projects and the Intense Extreme Radio that I'm doing.

I played the heavy-guitar 3 times with Jim LaVerde and the Sanctuary Worship Band. It was an honor to play 3 times at this festival, that I've been longing to experience for so long. The worship went well and Pastor Bob shared his heart after the worship all 3 nights. Good times! 

Ravn + Annie (and the Schertz)

It was a great honor to stay at the Schertz family the days before Cornerstone + be at Ravn and Annies wedding!!
Above: Ravn, Annie, some girl and Mika (Annies great boy).
Ravns dad from Norway => and => Karen & Larry Schertz.
It really felt like family staying with them, and I can't wait to visit them again..! They know what it is to love on people! Thank you my Friends!
Annie and Amanda Schertz......My friend Jeremy (from heavy metal band Strangeland) did the photos.