Thursday, April 5, 2007

Endtime Festival

I had a GREAT weekend in Sweden! It was so awesome to meet so many lovely and cool metalheads from all over the world. And I've met A LOT of them on BobFests, NordicFests, FreakStock, Meltdown and DestructionFest - nice!

..And the scedual wasn't so bad either ;O)

A big applause to Samuel Durling, the Endtime Crew, Blood Red Booking and all who showed up - I REALLY enjoyed it!!

And now there's only 8 days to the GREEN LIGHT DISTRICT metal festival in Denmark.
Wild days ;o)

1 comment:

Morten Storgaard said...

Hej Andreas. Jeg er ved at lave en blog også :) den hedder vist
Niiiice... så kan vi keep in touch herinde indtil jeg også kommer over i det store land... ::))