Saturday, September 19, 2009

Band/Musicians Retreat

August 7th – 9th we (Sanctuary Denmark) had our first Band/Musicians Retreat in Denmark and it was an amazing time!!

A weekend minded on all the Christian heavy metal musicians in Denmark. Pastor Bob Beeman flew to Denmark to teach these three days, and we REALLY appreciate that man! :-)

The weekend reminded me a lot about our Green Light District Festival with the best teaching (but more this time) and the best fellowship (but more this time). We had seminars on being a hard music band of Christians sharing the light of Christ.

When I started out in Barricades (2003), it took me a while before I realized my responsibility as a Christian musician. Especially when you’re in a band playing concerts, many will look at you to see if you “live what you preach”. Many look for their role models amongst musicians, which is a great thing to be aware of. Stay humble and stay focused. I once went to a seminar on how we as musicians are the preachers of the times. A lot of people don’t read book... but they listen to music.

The main goal of the weekend was to get together, get to know each other more as fellow musicians in our country, share stories with each other and be encouraged to keep the faith. Our goal is also to help musicians getting useful tools in how to be a great and outstanding band amongst thousand of other bands.

It was an awesome weekend of fellowship and teaching, hangout until 5 in the mornings and brunch at 12 noon. A very blessed time, where a couple said that they’ve never experienced such a strong fellowship at a camp before. All in all we were 40 people during this weekend.

Pastor Bob and I and planning on doing these band/musicians retreats in many different countries, where Sanctuary Denmark will do one every year.

Glory to God!

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