Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Full time job with addicts

Since November 16th I've been working 37 hours a week at a day offer "social cafe" for people with different addictions (mainly alcohol) who are feeling lonely and need a safe haven, a "family" and a timeout in an often hectic day of letdowns.

I love this work and feel very privileged being able to hangout here with so many different people, who has got so many stories from their life's. Will be working at this place (in Århus, Denmark) full time until June 1st.
"Blå Kors" (Blue Cross) is a Christian organization focusing mainly on helping folks with alcohol problems.

I believe that every human being need care
- for the body (physically),
- for the mind (mentally) and
- for the soul (spiritually).

This Christmas time is especially hard on our crowd who are coming at Blå Kors. A lot of bad memories from broken homes as kids, or broken homes that they as a mom or dad couldn't handle.

Let this be a time of caring for each other.
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!


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