Sunday, July 1, 2007


Today I was being send out as missionary from my beloved Church, Aarhus Valgmenighed ( ) .

I've been an intense member of this Church for the last 3 years and it has been 3 great years in the Church where I've been challenged a lot + being given opportunities to make my visions become reality! This Church had a money collect for the Green Light District metal festival and it was a huge blessing!

One week ago I was being ordained Deacon by my Deacon/Social Worker education "Diakonhøjskolen". It has been 4 years of just the right education for me and I feel very blessed for that! The ordain ceremony at the big old Sct. Pauls Church in Aarhus was great and breathtaking, and with the todays Missionary ceremony I feel so very ready to work full time with ministry!
Glory to God!

And here's a picture (from last Sunday) of me together with the rest of the Deacon-gang + Henrik Stubkjær and Lars Østerkjærhus. Today I was the only one who got send out from Århus Valgmenighed.

1 comment:

Franz-Irene said...

congratulations...its very cool that you are finished!