Saturday, October 6, 2007


This band ended the whole festival by closing it at the Sanctuary Stage.

I'm not a big fan of '80s heavy metal with the big tenor vocals like Michael Sweet's from Stryper or Bruce Dickinson's of Iron Maiden, but I respect those guys and bands for what they've done to the metal genre in the early days, and it was very cool to meet a lot of those people here at festival.

This year the theme for the Sanctuary Stage was the old school metal, to celebrate the 20 years anniversary for the first Christian metal festival in world history, that Pastor Bob and Sanctuary put up in California, named Metal Mardi Grass :O)

Bloodgood is one of the first bands on the scenes and is still delivering a great show. ...And I must confess that, of all the concerts I saw at Cornerstone, they did the most impressive show! They are awesome, cracking jokes all the time, great musicians (though it's not my genre), great positive energy all over stage and they reach fare beyond the edge of the stage! The guitar player from Stryper, Ox Fox, is now playing with the Bloodgood which is VERY good. B-)

...And Less Karlsen is in his 60's!! Awesome energy and very animated! He's the "silver"-long-haired guy on the video (shot with my phone..).

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