We (Solace The Day) did a gig in Herning on Saturday. A one day event with 8 promising upcoming bands (mainly metal). It was an awesome day/night and a very cool first gig for our new lead-vocalist, Magnus.
The very best thing about this night was all the talks, meeting folks and connecting with people, and that's what Solace The Day is all about (+ a lot more :-) !The picture is taken by a journalist photographer who came to the show to meet Solace The Day and write about me => Living my life in relationship with a loving God, and loving extreme metal at the same time.
wow, fedt photo!!!
Det var en cool aften! - Og jeg nød virkelig jeres koncert:-) Så sejt at høre hvor meget i har udviklet jer! - Jeg har virkelig slået min rekord i hvor lang tid efter en koncert jeg har haft ondt i nakken efter det ! - Gik først sådan rigtig væk her i dag(torsdag):-P Så det er et rigtig godt tegn på jeg har nydt det!
Kan man egentlig se det han har skrevet om jer nogen steder?
Ja, formentlig sa det er
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