Friday, August 31, 2007

Lincoln Towncars

I just borrowed one of Bob's parents cars today. A good old American Lincoln Towncar.
THANK YOU, Bob's parents!

Aaaaaand here you see the back of Bob's black Lincoln Towncar:It's nice to be able to drive around, but driving a car with automatic gears doesn't really seems like driving. I've been told that only the the sports cars has got manual gear shifts over here, so maybe I'll have to get such a car... :) ...If I'd ever get the money for it.

Bryndan McCavanagh

Here's a really funny video of Bryndan who just turned 2 years old. We are playing with the air filled water slide (without water and not much air left..)

Several times a days Bryndan comes to me saying "buubies" which means MOVIES! This movie is one of his all time favorites!

Intense Radio

Today we worked for about 10 hours on 2 radioshows for "The Intense Broadcast With Pastor Bob". It's a great 28 minutes program in the name of Christian metal. Band interviews, festivals, metal music and talks about the faith, love and power of God.
Today two new radio shows/pod casts was born, and the theme is The Last Stand Festival in Denmark. It was an 8 bands festival created in honer of Barricades' last concert and it REALLY was a GREAT honer!!

You can listen and download the weekly radio programs as pod casts at

Nice heat

All the Nashville inhabitants continuely complains about the nice warm Summer breeze
they've got. It has been the hottest and driest Summer since...Yeah since before they started recording the weather. 106 degrees Fahrenheit the other day (41 Celcius). I actually like it...a lot. Aaah. But the bad thing is that I have to bring a jacket whenever I'm going to a restaurant, Starbucks, at most peoples homes or at the Cinema. Air Condition...What's that all about?But yesterday we actually got some heavy rain. Hmm... Okay, you know at some point you just have to talk about the there we go. Thanks for reading my blog...

Oh NO!

Pastor Bob has secret powers that I didn't ever know of!!

The other day he turned me into an anphibian...grr...why you little..!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Resurrecting The Champ

Sunday afternoon at the cinemas P.Bob and I went to see Mr. Bean's Holiday and Resurrecting The Champ. The last one, pictured below, was REALLY good!

Samuel L. Jackson is the homeless man who once was a professional boxer. He's doing such a great job on his character, and I can see a whole lot of similarities to the homeless people I've worked with in Denmark!

A great movie based on a true story. Recommendable!


Last Sunday I went to a big Church (Bethel World Outreach Center in Brentwood) and the atmosphere was just like a huge embrace to me. Today I went for the 2nd time together with Jamie, Tricia and Bryndan.

In several ways it reminds me of Aarhus Valgmenighed at home, so I really felt at home. Especially last Sunday. In the morning, when I woke up, I listened to a couple of worship songs on the Mac and "Lead Me To The Cross" was on my heart when we left for Church.

It was great teaching and fellowship + GREAT worship! ...And the theme for the Church service was the song "Lead Me To The Cross". What a blessed day!

Shrek cake

Hey take a look at this dude!

Kari (Jamie's sister) made this cool Shrek cake, the head and everything. Bryndan turned 2 years old and the theme for the birthday was definite Skrek! (Shrek ears for everyone, Shrek present paper, napkins, balloons, to Shrek cakes and stuff.

On the picture below Bryndan is having his own cake, ready to be destroyed..!

Jayden above (Kari's son) eating green cake. Pretty good taste, he told me :P

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Right now I'm sitting at one of the free WiFi Panera cafés in Nashville, working together with Jason and P.Bob.

...Jason is the most hard working man of the three of us! He just helped installing the brand new iLife programs to our Mac's. Those programs are awesome. The new Garageband, iPhone, iWeb and so one, pwhew..! :) Jason is our web master and problem solver whenever we're lost. Thank you, man!!

Dinner at Logans

Today we didn't have Chinese..! We went to hang out with Todd at Logans.

Good food and so on, but the best thing about the restaurant was the all you can eat peanuts ...and the whole idea was to throw the shells on the floor! Yeah! And so we did :O)

Good mornings

Every morning I wake up to this great sight!

Usually I grab the 7-string as the first thing in the morning. Aaahhh..!

I've simply got the best bed room in the house => the studio.

Thanks Jamie and Tricia! How did you know? :)

Nashville Zoo

So the other day I was invited to go to the Nashville Zoo together with Tricia, Bryndon, Jamie's mother and his sister and her two kids. The zoo was a cool place, but somehow I only got pictures of the kids :0)

Jamie's niece and Bryndon hand in hand. They don't see each other very often:
Jamie's nephew. Great and so funny kids all of them!
A coool day at the zoo. Good to hang out with my little friends.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A typical day

I was just sitting here and thinking about the day today, and actually it has been a quiet typical and great day! Everyday is full of blessings.

- I woke up by Pastor Bobs phone call (so I missed my run for today..again:).
- Grabbed a guitar in front of me (sleeping in the best room of the house => the studio!) and played for ten minutes.
- Went down the stairs to a full packed living room of great people and 3 funny 1 to 4 year old kids. Friendly faces saying good morning and less than 2 year old Bryndon shouting "Hey duude!". It's another great day!
- Saying good morning, have a good day and disappearing out in the 40'celcius breeze (that just embraces me), where Pastor Bob is waiting for me in his 15'celcius air conditioned car.
- I take on my hoodie and reminds PB to take his seat belt on.
- Driving to one of the Chinese restaurants in town.
- Meeting and sharing a meal with some cool people there, friends of PB, and suddenly I know 3 people more!
- After the dinner we had to catch a movie at the cinema, and after that..:
- Going to work. Sitting at one of the many coffee shops with free WiFi in Nashville, drinking liters of Doctor Pepper.
- Getting home from work at around 20 o'clock and then hanging out with Jamie and Tricia, and Jamie's sister and mother. They are the coolest folks!

Ain't life grand!?

Silent car crash

The other day something thought-provoking happened. We (P.Bob and I) were driving into Nashville and just when we held for red a a bunch of cars crashed just behind us..!

I didn't hear a thing because of the music and air condition but when we looked back the cars just behind us were smashed. If we would have arrived just 15 seconds earlier we would have been involved..!

I hope and pray that nobody got hurt. Thank God for protecting us! He always does in one way or another!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


We're slowly starting to work now we've catched up on a big part of the movies. A lot of our work will be at Star Bucks Café's around Nashville (with free internet) working on our Mac's and doing meetings (and drinking coffee off course).

Above you see Jered and I meeting for at talk at a Star Bucks. He's a great guy.

Worlds biggest Hotel

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours together with Bob and a cool lady named Tamra + I went on my own expedition at this Opryland Hotel in Nashville: The worlds biggest, and maan it's crazy..! I've never seen a hotel like this before!

Above is one of the smaller indoor domes with waterfalls, giant trees, bridges and so on.

In this indoor dome above there's giant water fountains that danced to classical music. At one time the fountain went 30-40 meters up in the air. People went for tourist guided boat trips on the river inside the hotel and there were lots of restaurants and shops all over the hotel. Crazy Americans :) ...and very cool!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tim Beemans birthday

Bob's brother just turned 50 which resulted in a family/friends hang out party at Bob's parents house. It was great meeting and talking with a lot of cool people there!

At the picture above you see the neck of Jamie, Jason from the metal band LoPhat, me and Tim's daughter. He has got some very cute kids!

Here's Bob's mother. She's a very cool lady => like her a lot!

I brought Danish dark rye bread (rugbrød) and salty liquorice (saltlakrids) to the party. It's always good entertainment to watch Americans eat salty liquorice... =0)

Hard the movies

We decided to take it easy and catch up on some of the movies. Pastor Bob is sitting in the directors board for the huge Nashville Film Festival, so the cinema is kind of his 2nd home (along with Star Bucks).

That means that I've during the last 5 days had to watch

- The Simsons
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Imax 3D)
- Bourne Ultimatum
- Underdog
- Transformers
- Spiderman 3
- Shrek the 3rd

Lots of good movies and man, The Simpsons was really funny! I've still got Homers Spider Pig Song in my head :) Hard work in the States...

Jamies house

I had a great 1st day in Nashville, and I was really impressed how clear in head I was in spite of the traveling. I met a bunch of cool people and got well installed at Jamie's house. Her a picture of Jamie and Brandon, who'll turn 2 soon.

Here's Jamie and his wife Tricia, taken a few years ago. Jamie is great musician, has got a great studio in their house and writes/plays in the bands Wedding Party and I-Dragon-I.

This little family is just so loving and hospitable and I couldn't think of a better place to live than at their house! They are a huge blessing to me!

40 hour trip

Well I had a nice and calm morning the 1st of August. Pastor Bob and I went by different airplanes to save money but the plan was to arrive in Nashville around the same time...

Sometimes things just don't turn out the way you thought the would. For quiet some years now I've tried to overcome "bad luck" by looking at it as a challenge of my patience and it kinda works well :O)

I didn't knew that United Airlines was known for loosing peoples luggage, but now I know, tsk tsk. My ESP, Kirk Hammett Signature, guitar hasn't arrived yet, and in Washington Airport I had to stand in line for so long that I (and a bunch of other travelers) couldn't make it in time for our next planes. I had to stay at the airport for about 18 hours and overnight in a corner. I bit of a lazy night but that was okay. Met some interesting people.

Welcome to the US of A :)

In spite of everything it just felt so right to be in America (Washington Airport) and God has blessed me with a deep please about being here!